Kuusamon ainutlaatuinen luonto tarjoaa upeita luontokuvausmahdollisuuksia ympäri vuoden!
Meille kaikki ovat tervetulleita, olet sitten uusi innostunut luonnossa liikkuja tai rautainen pitkänlinjan ammattilainen.
Järjestämme luontokuvauskursseja, linturetkiä sekä vuokraamme kuvauskojuja maakotkan, teeren, metson ja monien muiden lajien kuvaamiseen lähietäisyydeltä.
Palveluihimme kuuluvat nyt myös luontomatkat!
Tavoitteenamme on, että kaikki meillä vierailleet luonnontarkkailijat lähtevät Kuusamosta tyytyväisinä, joten Mikko Oivukan johtama kokenut tiimi tekee parhaansa sen eteen.
Tutustu tarjontaamme ja varaa paikkasi tai ota yhteyttä ja kysy lisätietoja. Olemme sinua varten!
Ota yhteyttä
Mikko Oivukka: +358 40 708 9722
Sukella syvemmälle Kuusamon luontoon sekä luontokuvaukseen
Tarinoita ja vinkkejä
Thanks again Kuusamo Nature Photography! This time I'm participating in the Sony workshop, and what could be more pleasant than shooting in a good group, in wonderful places and brave objects, and of course enjoying a delicious dinner in a wonderful environment. The setting and service are amazing. 🔥🤩
Great place, good arrangements and service. And when the weather was favorable, Nähkanäkallio was a real experience. I will update when I get the chance...
A well-executed and full-scale full-service nature photography event. The trainers and guides were helpful and professional. The content was diverse, from landscape photography to shooting a golden eagle's stall. The accommodation was decent and the food was plentiful and tasty. I can warmly recommend!
Excellent company that really helps you to photograph Finnish wildlife. The guides are very skilled and do everything to make the best of your visit. Also, very important, they are very flexible, and space in the huts permitting, changes can easily be made.I will be back soon!
The shooting locations and arrangements built by professionals do not disappoint. Always flexible and friendly service. The stunning scenery of Kuusamo is an added bonus. I can warmly recommend it.
It is not a very objective assessment. But I love wildlife photography, especially birds and even more so if it's with snow.
Really nice setting. Good stalls and proper guidance and, of course, the most important thing, i.e. the birds, can be photographed well. Strong recommendation
Amazing possibilities for nature and wildlife photography in the heart of Kuusamo wilderness. A must visit for any wildlife photographer!
An amazing setting in the unique nature of Kuusamo. Time doesn't last long at Oulanga's eagle stall. Along with eagles, plenty of taiga forest species to photograph. Stall windows peaks - this is something every nature photographer should experience!
The magnificent landscapes of Kuusamo and the range of bird species were abundant during the shooting day. The guides took very good care of the success of the day and the experience was unique. I recommend!